Yes! Bumble Bee!
Tuna has a bad rap. But it also has really awesome benefits. Benefits we had to sort of… trick people into discovering.
What packs major-major-major protein so you can beat your PR? Shoes? Pfft. Try tuna.
What’s faster: leaving your house and hitting up a drive-thru or staying home and opening a can of tuna?
What’s a better snack for the great outdoors? Tuna or a granola bar so crumbly that bears can track your every move?
We made the world rethink Bumble Bee by showing up in places you don’t expect to see tuna but, frankly, where it totally belongs. A world where people ask, “Wait, you’re talking about tuna?”
To which we can always reply, “YES! BUMBLE BEE!”
Partner with FOODBEAST to create unexpectedly awesome ways to enjoy our tuna?
Pit Bumble Bee’s benefits against the usual suspects with thumb-stopping social ads?
YEEEEES! Bumble Beeeeeeeeee!
Put a surprising spin on influencer unboxing videos that foodies, outdoor fanatics, shoe fiends & fast food aficionados will never see coming?
Create a whole new look, feel and voice to fresh the brand from the website up?
Yes, YES and YES! Bumble Bee!